Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Bio Story

I recently HAD to write my own bio for a publisher. I have been postponing writing the damn bio because frankly, I find bios stuffy, self-centered and boring. Come on, we ALL know everybody writes their own bios anyway, so how do you get the point across without seeming, well, arrogant or "too" accomplished? I tried my best. I really did...

R. is the founder of A creative writer for most of her life, she recently moved to the eclectic San Francisco Bay area from New York. She was burned out from the Manhattan corporate, social and piranha-apartment-hunting scene. She has 12 pairs of high heels with bent and/or broken heels to prove it.

In 2005, after returning from a much needed five year escape to Italy, she graduated Magna Cum Laude (whatever that means) from Midwestern State University. She studied mass communication and broadcast journalism, so, she knows a lot… about nothing. Also in 2005, she successfully completed a coveted fellowship with the International Radio and Television Society in New York City. Through IRTS, she was placed in the fast-paced newsroom of WABC Eyewitness News where she worked alongside the talents of women producers Maura Sweeney and Pam Tighe. (Thanks to Pam’s awesome city savvy advice, R. now carries a cute purple mace spray thingy in her purse. Luckily she’s never had to use it).

R. has dabbled in a little bit of everything (except food service, pole dancing and retail) which probably explains why, at 28, she doesn’t have any healthcare benefits or an ornately decorated cubicle to call her own. From 2003-2005 she was an Associate Producer for the NBC affiliate, KFDX TV-3 in her hometown of Wichita Falls, Texas. There, she learned how to eliminate the most interesting facets of the news by cutting every story down to 30 seconds. Also in Wichita Falls, she was an Associate Creative Director for a small boutique advertising agency. At the small agency, which will go unnamed, she was forced to come up with exciting creative concepts for nursing homes and hardware stores, sort of like raising the dead.

Her most recent stint was for a pharmaceutical ad agency under McCann Erickson in New York. She basically did a lot there, including buying lots of photographs of women who had to look like they were menopausal.

Described by friends as “mysterious yet insightful” and “funny,” R. likes to shamelessly indulge in trashy celebrity gossip on her Blackberry as she pets her cross-eyed mute Siamese cat, Espresso.

She is still working on that novel she was supposed to finish eight years ago.

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